Dry Eye

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry Eye is a medical condition caused by changes in the quantity or quality of your tears. Tears are composed of different layers that work together to keep your eyes comfortable and protected. If something happens to affects the tears, they may evaporate too quickly, causing your eyes to feel dry and irritated.



Dry Eye Symptoms

Obviously a feeling of dryness is a common symptom of dry eye, however, individuals may also experience a variety of other conditions that affect your eyes such as irritation, grittiness, scratchiness, or burning.



Who Develops Dry Eye?

While seniors or the elderly may be the most common group to report dryness of the eyes, Dry Eye may be experienced by anyone, regardless of age.



Dry Eye Treatment Options

Typically there is no cure for most people suffering from dry eye. However, there are several options to help reduce symptoms and make you more comfortable.



In this section

Dry Eye Overview

What Is Dry Eye

Dry Eye Symptoms

Dry Eyes Causes & Prevention

Treatments For Dry Eye

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