Acute Glaucoma

Glaucoma is disease of the optic nerve related to the pressure inside the eye. The damage to the optic nerve is directly related to high intraocular pressures and can lead to permanent loss of vision. Acute glaucoma refers to a sudden rise of intraocular pressure, which can severely damage the optic nerve and lead to rapid loss of vision. Acute glaucoma usually causes of symptoms of headache, nausea/vomiting, decreased vision with or without redness of the eye, depending on the level of the pressure. These symptoms are similar to those described by patients who experience migraines and the two can usually be distinguished from one another by receiving a complete ophthalmologic examination by a technique referred to as gonioscopy. This condition is a true ocular ememgerncy and patients should seek immedicate care by an ophthalmologist to lower the eye pressure by laser peripheral iridotomy or by surgery.